Monday, August 24, 2020
Prevention and Crisis Intervention Essay Example for Free
Anticipation and Crisis Intervention Essay An emergency can be a horrible weight on any person that has or is enduring one; an emergency can leave an individual with a lot of uneasiness and stress. As an emergency mediation specialist it is my obligation to at any rate attempt to help those that come into my office. Most that do come to me are experiencing an emergency or the like and need to work through it. To assist them with working through their emergency I find that the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is an incredible resource. The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is a viable methodology since I can give impermanent quick help. An emergency can be hard to characterize yet there are three fundamental parts for a laborer to search for while working with a customer to characterize on the off chance that they are in or have been in an emergency. These parts are 1) an encouraging occasion; 2) a view of the occasion that causes abstract trouble; and 3) the disappointment of a personââ¬â¢s regular adapting strategies which causes an individual encountering the accelerating occasion to work at a lower level than before the occasion (Kanel, 2007). I ought to likewise make a point to utilize this three separated meaning of an emergency just as rules, an emergency ought to be recognized for every customer on an individual premise. The explanation I discover the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention so valuable is on the grounds that it gives me the rules to enable the customer to beat their emergency. The ABC Model can likewise be separated into three phases: (A) Building compatibility; (B) Identifying the issue; and (C) Coping (Kanel, 2007). I will probably enable the customers to change their view of the emergency and absorb the hastening occasion into their every day lives. By doing so we can guarantee that they keep or potentially gain inner self quality and dispose of the likelihood that they will become emergency inclined. Today I will be working with another customer named Jill who has come to me looking for help as such huge numbers of different customers have. Jill advises me that she works extended periods of time and is dr ained when she returns home. She proceeds to state that she is normally unreasonably tired for intercourse and that in light of her absence of sexual responsiveness her better half blows up. Jill states that he now and then gets so furious that he gets things done to her that incites dread in her. She is even apprehensive that her significant other will discover that she has come to me today for help. The absolute first thing I did when Jill came into my office was to begin the main phase of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention. This stage, stage An, is tied in with building affinity and can be viewed as the establishment of the restorative experience (Kanel, 2007). Leading I educated Jill of her classification so I may begin to pick up her trust. I have to pick up her trust with the goal that I might have the option to assist her with helping herself. When she starts to feel affinity and start to believe me then she will turn out to be progressively open to me, permitting the meeting to continue. I attempted to be cautious with my going to aptitudes so I could pass on to Jill that I was really tuning in to her and was here for her. I utilized the SOLER technique to deal with my nonverbal conduct so I introduced a responsive nearness. SOLER alludes to: (S) Squaring off; (O) Open stance; (L) Leaning in; (E) Eye contact; (R) Relaxed (Cameron, 2008). I imply that I sat Square with Jill while keeping an Open stance and Leaning in marginally; I likewise kept Eye contact and held a Relaxed common stance. Utilizing the SOLER technique alone isn't sufficient so I additionally was cautious with my outward appearances, hand motions and other body developments too. Considerably in the wake of being cautious on how I act myself I was additionally mindful so as to watch Jillââ¬â¢s nonverbal correspondence. Another primary perspective was my listening aptitude; I tuned in to all that she said and how she said it. The show of joining in, watching and listening aptitudes affects powerful intelligent verbal reactions (Cameron, 2008). Rewording, addressing, reflection and rundown are exceptionally significant angles that can't be performed appropriately without the abilities I referenced. After I had built up affinity with Jill and guaranteed that we had a corresponding relationship I was then ready to proceed onward to the following stage. Stage B of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is basically engaged around recognizing the issue. This can be viewed as the most critical part of the ABC Model for giving helpful communication. Recognizing the accelerating occasion is significant yet investigating the clientââ¬â¢s observations and insights are considerably progressively significant. On the off chance that I was to really help Jill, at that point I needed to discover her considerations and sentiments spinning around the circumstance. I definitely realize that Jill is terrified of her better half and that he stuffs to her when she doesn't react the manner in which he needs explicitly. In any case, since I have picked up Jillââ¬â¢s trust and we have moved into the B stage I would now be able to get progressively explicit. I chose to begin with some open-finished inquiries so I had the option to manage the discussion yet in addition let her assume control over talking. After the initial inquiry I presented I was then ready to attach the entirety of my different inquiries to what Jill had quite recently said. My thinking for this is on the grounds that when an inquiry is presented adequately fundamental data can be better assembled (Kanel, 2008). Notwithstanding suggesting my conversation starters as well as could be expected I additionally made a point to summarize all through the meeting. Summarizing is extremely valuable since it encourages me explain what my customers have said. It is keen to explain so not just you realize that you comprehend what the customer has said yet in addition with the goal that they realize you comprehend. I think that its essential that the customer realizes that I truly hear what they are stating and that I need to comprehend. Customers can feel great realizing that somebody is there for them and can be urged to progress forward. Not exclusively is rewording significant however reflection is additionally important re gardless of what part of the meeting procedure you are in. I needed to let Jill realize that I comprehend that she is terrified and that I was eager to assist her with working through her sentiments. Jill expected to tell somebody that she was frightened and realizing that I approved that feeling caused her to feel all the more impressive. By having the option to communicate their own emotions customers are then progressively ready to deal with those sentiments and express them in an increasingly positive way (Kanel, 2007). Realizing that I was there to hear what she needed to state and to acknowledge her sentiments Jill had the option to feel increasingly good talking. The explanation that the entirety of that is so significant is on the grounds that we have to recognize the clientââ¬â¢s impression of the occasion. The impression of the occasion is by a wide margin the most significant on the grounds that it very well may be most effectively and immediately modified (Kanel, 2007). By knowing how the Jill sees the circumstance and knowing how she feels I can then reframe. Reframing is planned to change the inner intellectual experience of the customer once the present insights are known (Kanel, 2007). Rather than letting her accept she is powerless for being terrified I reframed Jillââ¬â¢s circumstance that she is solid for looking for my assistance today. Reframing is viewed as a major aspect of restorative collaboration, which helped me help Jill, similarly as with my different customers, in contemplating the circumstance. I utilized approval and bolster proclamations too, advising Jill that it was alright for her to be frightened and that she isn't the only one. Further I utilized instructive explanations in light of the fact that giving real data is crucial in each emergency (Kanel, 2007). Finally with the restorative cooperations I attempted use engaging proclamations so I could support Jill. My fundamental objective was to illuminate Jill that she isn't feeble yet that she has control in her life. Another significant angle that I led all through the B stage was making moral checks. I needed to see whether Jill was helpless against self destruction and furthermore on the o ff chance that she has any maniacal propensities toward her better half. I likewise needed to talk about with Jill in the event that she has been determined to have any psychological or passionate issues. Discovering any prescriptions that she was right now making was my next stride. I needed to check for substance use or potentially maltreatment too, which I did as such by utilizing my scrutinizing and examining capacities. The last piece of the B stage is rundown which was useful in permitting me to summarize the meeting up to this point. The key reason for synopsis is to enable the customer to arrange their musings (Kanel, 2007). I additionally needed to ensure that I comprehended everything Jill said effectively and to explain anything misinterpretations. Summing up additionally helped me make a smooth progress into the following period of the ABC Model. I had the option to assemble everything that Jill and I have talked about and start in on the adapting. Adapting is the C phase of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention and is the last advance of the procedure. I began by asking Jill how she has been managing the entire circumstance up to this point. I educated Jill that I had to know all that she has been doing whether it has been useful or not. I needed to t ell her that crying, dozing, talking, and in any event, eating can be viewed as adapting. Jill disclosed to me increasingly about the circumstance and what she has done to attempt to cause herself to feel better. While Jill was advising me regarding past and current adapting strategies I was mindful so as to make mental arrangements of what appeared to work and what didn't. Evoking unfortunate endeavors at adapting was particularly significant for Jill. The purpose behind this is on the grounds that she was got mindful of her conduct she was then progressively open to elective strategies. I realized that Jill would be bound to finish an arrangement she has created herself (Kanel, 2007). This is the point at which I chose to urged Jill to begin considering new and better adapting strategies. After Jill communicated her own thoughts I concluded I would then propose a few recommendations of different methods of adapting. My first recommendation was to contact the specialists about the things her better half does to her. I educated her that there are numerous care groups acce ssible to her regardless of her
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Key Auditing Concepts for Professional Scepticism-myassignmenthelp
Question: Expound on theKey Auditing Concepts for Professional Skepticism. Answer: Inspectors while playing out a review commitment, are required to practice certain methodologies, for example, proficient judgment and expert suspicion in their work since review is led to empower the evaluator to communicate a feeling about the valid and reasonable perspective on the budget summaries of an element. Proficient suspicion requires the evaluators to stay caution to anything surprising showing the chance of material misquotes in the fiscal summaries of the organization, which they go over during the review procedure. The way to deal with keep a scrutinizing mind all through the review procedure is important to basically evaluate the review confirmations which helps them in making a determination dependent on which review feeling is framed. In spite of the fact that it isn't the legal obligation of evaluator to identify the fakes and blunders in the fiscal summaries yet at the same time they should follow the idea of expert wariness on the off chance that they discover an y data that throws question about the unwavering quality of essential reports and the request reactions of the important gatherings. Regardless of whether there are opposing confirmations on a specific review matter the examiner must apply proficient doubt to decide the validity of the review confirmations. There are 3 primary components of expert wariness which collaborate at whatever point inspector experiences the strange circumstances (Hurtt et al., 2013). These are properties mentality and the activity. Initial one is the Attributes incorporates the evaluators information and aptitudes. Second component is Mind-set incorporates the inspectors social methodology towards the review for example the examiner can't begin his work of review with dubious system of psyche about the entitys the board. In this way, the inspectors ought not be affected by the confirmations that are less enticing ordinarily. Activities is the third component which includes gathering and basically inspecting the review confirmations to evaluate the validity of the entitys books of records. With the end goal of basic evaluation examiners should the adequate and proper review confirmations. While seeking after the methodology of expert wariness inspectors must expand the review techniques at whatever point they d iscover anything irrational. Besides, reviewer is likewise required to survey the suitability of going concern supposition embraced by the organization and if during the review commitment he recognizes certain markers which influences the sensibility of going concern suspicion he should degree his review procedures.(Quadackers, Groot Wright, 2014). Inspectors are the outer gatherings delegated by a substance to direct review in order to raise the degree of certainty of the financial specialists and different partners of the organization. Thusly, to guarantee their freedom evaluators are required to apply proficient suspicion in the review arranging and keeping in mind that playing out the review techniques. Profit Management It is where the business directors controls the money related reports of the substance so as to bamboozle the partners about the companys monetary position to eventually achieve the financial advantages. As the estimation of firm is impacted by the degree of income detailed by it, the directors will in general control the profit with the thought process of achieving the financial motivating forces (Cohen Zarowin, 2010). It is in this manner hard to decide if these acts of profit the executives are worthy or they structure some portion of extortion done by the administration to delude the speculators. Budgetary reports are considered as the best method of correspondence of data between the organization and the partners about the money related execution of the organization. The basic nature and handiness of monetary reports requires the need of review of budget summaries by a free gathering (evaluators) in order to build the respectability of fiscal summaries according to the investors . Accordingly, the reviewers are required to keep up the most elevated level of autonomy while directing a review and simultaneously examiners are additionally required to apply proficient suspicion and expert judgment during the whole review process. The activities of profit the executives can either be to show higher salary or for demonstrating the lower pay in the fiscal reports of the organization (Badertscher, 2011). For instance, the administrative compensation arrangement of an organization requires the supervisors to create a specific degree of income to acquire motivations and rewards and so as to pick up the impetuses the chiefs connect with themselves in the profit the executives works out. The organization might be enduring misfortunes which is influencing the sensibility of its going concern presumption at that point to raise assets from money related foundations the administration may build the profit in the reports as going concern supposition that depends on companys reasonability to proceed with business later on. Additionally, to pick up the legislative endowments and aids the board embraces the act of income control (Gunny, 2010). Optional Accruals: Accumulations are one of the two segments of absolute income of the organization. The other segment is the immediate incomes from the activities of an element. The absolute gatherings are the appraisals and decisions made by the administration to reflect better monetary execution through improved profit bookkeeping. Gatherings can be either optional accumulations or non-optional collections (Linck, Netter Shu, 2013). Optional accumulations is the segment that the chiefs can choose all alone, inside the bookkeeping guidelines adaptability, to alter the incomes of the organization (Badertscher, Collins Lys, 2012). Optional gatherings offers the business administrators with the adaptability to control the companys income in order to impact the partners. Because of the association of broad administrative judgment this part is more abstract than different segments of profit. The review of the elements with more optional gatherings is troublesome than the review of elements with lesser mea sure of optional collections (Kent, Routledge Stewart, 2010). This sort of collections on occasion holds two components that are, the unsettling influence brought about by the deceptive and forceful detailing done by the chiefs for their own advantages and the data component which empowers the directors to share their inside data. Since the exceptionally gifted examiners have more prominent experience and information to isolate the data component from clamor, they are equipped for improving the educational nature of optional gathering by confining the exploitative and absurd announcing practice. Rundown of References: Badertscher, B.A., 2011. Overvaluation and the decision of elective income the board mechanisms.The Accounting Review,86(5), pp.1491-1518. Badertscher, B.A., Collins, D.W. what's more, Lys, T.Z., 2012. Optional bookkeeping decisions and the prescient capacity of gatherings regarding future money flows.Journal of Accounting and Economics,53(1), pp.330-352. Cohen, D.A. what's more, Zarowin, P., 2010. Gathering based and genuine profit the executives exercises around prepared value offerings.Journal of bookkeeping and Economics,50(1), pp.2-19. Gunny, K.A., 2010. The connection between profit the executives utilizing genuine exercises control and future execution: Evidence from meeting income benchmarks.Contemporary Accounting Research,27(3), pp.855-888. Hurtt, R.K., Brown-Liburd, H., Earley, C.E. what's more, Krishnamoorthy, G., 2013. Research on evaluator proficient incredulity: Literature union and open doors for future research.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,32(sp1), pp.45-97. Kent, P., Routledge, J. furthermore, Stewart, J., 2010. Natural and optional gatherings quality and corporate governance.Accounting Finance,50(1), pp.171-195. Linck, J.S., Netter, J. furthermore, Shu, T., 2013. Would managers be able to utilize optional gatherings to ease monetary limitations? Proof from optional collections before investment.The Accounting Review,88(6), pp.2117-2143. Quadackers, L., Groot, T. furthermore, Wright, A., 2014. Reviewers proficient distrust: Neutrality versus possible doubt.Contemporary Accounting Research,31(3), pp.639-657. Benevolently utilize the references in the event that any follow up is required on any of the above clarified subjects. Yours Sincerely, Understudies Name
Friday, July 17, 2020
The Worlds Largest Online Collection of Creative Ideas - Focus
The Worlds Largest Online Collection of Creative Ideas - Focus Following the 10-year anniversary of our online mind mapping tool MindMeister earlier this year, weâve now reached a second milestone which, even more than the last, puts us in a state of awe: As of July 2017, one billion ideas have been generated with MindMeister. Thatâs right: 1,000,000,000 a thousand million distinct thoughts have been mapped by our 7 million users. If we were to put all of these ideas next to each other (and assuming that an idea has an average length of about 8 cm), this awe-inspiring idea-chain would run the circumference of the earth twice! Could this mean that MindMeister holds the largest online collection of creative ideas? After doing some digging, weve found no similar claims made by other platforms. The ideas generated in MindMeister cover pretty much every topic imaginable. Our public mind map library contains hundreds of thousands of maps, whose topics range from the best productivity hacks to effective learning strategies and from book summaries to business plan templates. Public maps are often used as collections of thoughts, as knowledge pools, guides or even presentations. However, the topics in public maps are not necessarily what we have in mind when we think of ideas those mysterious constructs that form in the mind; the elusive âaha momentsâ that seem to come out of nowhere and all of a sudden, that let us stop whatever else weâre doing and with a sense of cautious hope think: âCould this really be as good as I think it is?â The vast majority of these ideas are contained in those 25 million mind maps that havenât been made public. The ones that are only shared with a select number of people, and seen only by team members and friends, co-founders, investors and clients. Helping people around the world come up with new and creative ideas and then turn these ideas into action is our number one priority at MeisterLabs. Virtually all of our own achievements every new feature, every expansion, every update to our web apps has originated in a mind map. We know from experience that online brainstorming sessions are more productive than traditional, in-person sessions, and science agrees. As Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic writes in the Harvard Business Review: âIndeed, studies comparing the performance of matched groups on physical and virtual sessions indicate that the latter generate more high quality ideas and have a higher average of creative ideas per person, as well as resulting in higher levels of satisfaction with the ideas.â When you provide a platform that enables people to transcribe their thoughts and, quite literally, map their minds onto a canvas, data security is of utmost importance. So, for obvious reasons, we have no way of knowing which remarkable ideas may have been generated by our customers over the years. Some of you were kind enough to share your ideas and projects with us, and you can read about those success stories on our website. Still, we are curious: Of those 1,000,000,000 ideas generated, which one are you most proud of? Brainstorm Online with MindMeister Get Started its free! Get Started The Worlds Largest Online Collection of Creative Ideas - Focus Following the 10-year anniversary of our online mind mapping tool MindMeister earlier this year, weâve now reached a second milestone which, even more than the last, puts us in a state of awe: As of July 2017, one billion ideas have been generated with MindMeister. Thatâs right: 1,000,000,000 a thousand million distinct thoughts have been mapped by our 7 million users. If we were to put all of these ideas next to each other (and assuming that an idea has an average length of about 8 cm), this awe-inspiring idea-chain would run the circumference of the earth twice! Could this mean that MindMeister holds the largest online collection of creative ideas? After doing some digging, weve found no similar claims made by other platforms. The ideas generated in MindMeister cover pretty much every topic imaginable. Our public mind map library contains hundreds of thousands of maps, whose topics range from the best productivity hacks to effective learning strategies and from book summaries to business plan templates. Public maps are often used as collections of thoughts, as knowledge pools, guides or even presentations. However, the topics in public maps are not necessarily what we have in mind when we think of ideas those mysterious constructs that form in the mind; the elusive âaha momentsâ that seem to come out of nowhere and all of a sudden, that let us stop whatever else weâre doing and with a sense of cautious hope think: âCould this really be as good as I think it is?â The vast majority of these ideas are contained in those 25 million mind maps that havenât been made public. The ones that are only shared with a select number of people, and seen only by team members and friends, co-founders, investors and clients. Helping people around the world come up with new and creative ideas and then turn these ideas into action is our number one priority at MeisterLabs. Virtually all of our own achievements every new feature, every expansion, every update to our web apps has originated in a mind map. We know from experience that online brainstorming sessions are more productive than traditional, in-person sessions, and science agrees. As Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic writes in the Harvard Business Review: âIndeed, studies comparing the performance of matched groups on physical and virtual sessions indicate that the latter generate more high quality ideas and have a higher average of creative ideas per person, as well as resulting in higher levels of satisfaction with the ideas.â When you provide a platform that enables people to transcribe their thoughts and, quite literally, map their minds onto a canvas, data security is of utmost importance. So, for obvious reasons, we have no way of knowing which remarkable ideas may have been generated by our customers over the years. Some of you were kind enough to share your ideas and projects with us, and you can read about those success stories on our website. Still, we are curious: Of those 1,000,000,000 ideas generated, which one are you most proud of? Brainstorm Online with MindMeister Get Started its free! Get Started
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1443 Words
Background Macbeth is a dark play, both literally and symbolically, the tone of the play is sinister and its central characters are evil. Wicked witches and the supernatural influence the action which is characterised by multiple bloody deaths. When Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in 1606 James I had been King of England for three years. The king had previously been James VI of Scotland. King James symbolised the union of the Scottish and English crowns, a union to which Shakespeare refers in the play. It was well known that the new king was fascinated by witchcraft; Shakespeare might have been trying to win his approval by introducing the figures of the three weird sisters into the play. Macbeth was first performed at Hampton Court Palaceâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He was defeated in battle near Aberdeen by Malcolm III, the son of Duncan I, who had invaded Scotland with the help of Edward the Confessor, King of England. Malcolm slaughtered Macbeth s family so that his own kingship would be stabilised. This marked the end of the purely Celtic, exclusively barbaric Scottish people as it led to the gradual breaking down of barriers between England and Scotland and to the introduction of English ways and customs. Shakespeare never let historical fact get in the way of a good story. He changed several key aspects of the original story, either to intensify his drama or to ensure political correctness. As an example of the latter, Shakespeare s Macbeth, who commits the greatest of all crimes by murdering his king, finds he cannot live with himself and the consequences of his actions. He has rebelled against God and the order of creation; he becomes stricken with guilt and canââ¬â¢t live with himself. Banquo Banquo s role in the original source for Macbeth was as Macbeth s co-conspirator. In Shakespeare s play, he is depicted instead as Macbeth s rival; the role of fellow plotter passed to Lady Macbeth. Like Macbeth, Banquo is open to human yearnings and desires: He is, for example, just as keen to hear what the Witches have in store for him in Act I, Scene 3. He is kept from sleep by his dreams of the Witches. Nevertheless, Banquo is a sympathetic figure for several reasons. First, he is ignorant of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment - 1871 Words
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Susan Teddrick A. McCreary The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Introduction Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that involves conjoint therapy sessions of with the child and the parent. This approach is employed among children and/or adolescents that are experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties that are significant and related to life events that are traumatic (Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, 2012). TF-CBT is a components-based model of treatment that includes intervention that are trauma-sensitive and cognitive behavioral, family and humanistic therapyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Q.1 Trauma-Informed Assessment of Susan Trauma-informed assessment comprises of the evaluation of the means by which the functioning of a child or youth might have been affected due a traumatic experience (Kerig, 2013). Three dimensions exist of trauma that the Trauma-Informed assessment might focus on. These include whether the child or youth has been exposed to events that are potentially traumatizing and whether displays symptoms that are linked to post traumatic stress. Finally, whether the youth meets the criteria for a formal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) diagnosis as indicated in DSM-IV (Kerig, 2013). Based on the case study provided Susan has qualifies as a youth that has had a traumatic experience on all three levels of focus in a trauma-informed assessment. Susan has been exposed to events that are traumatic. These are, for example, she has been for a long time been sexually abused by her father and her father frequently physically abused her mother over trivial issues and she even witnessed her parents fighting to the extent that her mother was hospitalized due to a head injury inflicted by her father. In addition, Susan displays symptoms that are linked to post traumatic stress disorder. These include the continuous engagement in daily physical altercations, sleeping difficulties, development of depression, drug experimentation, and aggressive behavior
Planning and Control Free Essays
Table Of Content 1. Introduction Planning 3 2. Planning 3 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Planning and Control or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1Goals3 2. 2Plans4 2. 2. 1 The Planning Process5 3. Controlling the Management Process6 3. 1Steps in Control6 3. 2Areas of Control7 3. 3Characteristics of Control7 4. Conclusion8 Reference 1. Introduction Of the four fundamental tasks of management I have chosen to discuss the first and forth steps of management which are Planning and Controlling the management process. Planning is the basis for the rest of the management functions. The two core components in the planning stage are goals and planning process. Goals are the destination of the organisation, they indicate where the organization is heading, planning is the route mapped out to achieve the goals, the steps taken and the changes that are to be made in order for the organization to reach said goals Planning Planning promotes co-ordination in the company where all departments work together to reach the pre-determined goal. Therefore teamwork and interdepartmental co-operation and communication are essential to work toward a primary goal. Management plan and formulate goals which are later used to assess control . The cost of the planning process may be time consuming. A lot of time and energy is needed to plan and strategize goals, this may cause a backlog in the management schedule. Planning may become rigid, not allowing any time to stray from the plans even the budget does not allow for it. The formal planning phase may also become a routine rather than viewed as a challenge thus the initial vigour and creatively may diminish over time. 1. 1Goals Goals are the starting point of any planning phase; they start from a mission statement and grow more specific. Organisations may have multiple goals the type of goal set is influenced by the level at which it is set. Goals are either stated publicly or not, this is determined by the degree of openness of the company. Official goals are declared publically to the media. Operative goals are private goals which are kept within the organization. Criteria for effective goals to improve chances of success achieving goals, managers should ensure that goals are not ambiguous. The SMART framework states that goals should be specific Goals should be Specific, it indicates what the goal relates to -Measurable , result can be evaluated in quantifiable terms -Attainable, challenging yet realistic -Relevant, relates to organisations mission and strategy -Time Bound, specified time line to instil a sense of urgency A goal setting technique : Management by objectives is a technique whereby the individual and Management goals are integrated toward on primary goal. Advantages of MBO The efforts of managers and employees focus on attaining organisational goals The organisations performance can improve Employees are motivated Individual goals align with organisational goals Disadvantages of MBO Constant change in the environment can cause frequent change in organisational goals Poor relations between managers and employees reduce the effectiveness of MBO Operational goals may displace strategic goals The organisational culture may discourage effective use of MBO MBO can result in too much paperwork 2. 2 Plans Plans are the ââ¬Ëblueprintsââ¬â¢ of achieving goals. It is an indicator of how goals are to be reached. It specifies resources to be used, the period in which the plans must be implemented. Managers consider many alternate plans of actions and choose one or a few plan of action that may be most feasible this includes External factors such as environment and market stability, strengths and weaknesses of the company and staff as a whole as It is best to work to the strengths of the company taking into account skills, patent, capital and the image of the organisation. 2. 2. 1 The planning process Variables set the parameters within which the managers can formulate realistic organisational goals and plans. Planning in context, uses five variables namely, purpose, Mission statement, Environment, Values of Managers and Experience of Managers. In each organisation the purpose must be clear. The organisation must take into account its social responsibility, job creation and how to improve its product. The mission statement states a clear defined goal. The organisation is constantly adapting the economic environment may cause the plan to change, money may not be available to attain goal, a new route must be planned. Thus with Managers the organisational culture and work ethic must be in line with the organisations view and have relevant experience. Establish a goal, several different alternative plans are looked at of which the most feasible plan is selected. This plan is then implement and monitored, called reactive planning. Planning happens on three levels of the organisation, top level ââ¬â long term strategic goals, middle level- medium term tactical goals, and lower level ââ¬â short term operational goals for their department. There are different types of goals and plans. Strategic, Tactical and Operational. Strategic goals and plans involve the company as a whole long term goals and not specific function or operation. These aim to improve the image of the company and market the product to the masses to increase business opportunity strengthen the company and foundation in the market place by increasing sales and demand of the product. Tactical Goals, for middle management for functional area goals and how to carry out these tasks. These are medium or short term goals derived from the long term goals and are focused goals. Operational goals , are short term goals no longer than a year that deal with the day to day running of the company which are unit goals and operational standards. These require programs that are followed, targets to be reached, budgets and projects that need to be completed. 2. Controlling the management process The forth step of fundamental management where the assessment of actual performance against planned performance initiates a new cycle of planning, organising , leading and control. Organisations use controls to ensure that they progressing toward their goals. Although it is the final step it forms the basis of a new cycle as it gives feedback as to what is working and what needs to changed. The purpose of control is to align goals and actual performance. Control helps organisations adapt to environmental change, helps limit error, ensures companies cope with growing complexity most importantly It helps minimizes financial implications. 3. 1 Steps In Control Establish performance standards at strategic point and is a mirror image of planning, as the plans indicate the goals and setting of standards or norms necessary for control. Measuring actual performance is based on assessing quantifiable, reliable results before any valid comparisons are made. Evaluate deviations the results are measured to assess if the target is near or far from the goal. At this stage the gap between below average, level or exceeds expectations are evaluated Take corrective action, the results are evaluated and strategy adjusted to achieve required result. 3. 2 Areas of control Most organisations define areas of four different types of resources, Generally human, financial physical and information resources are deployed to achieve specific goals. Physical control, are the inventory items like raw material deliveries on time so that production is not interrupted. Quality control, involves the product is made without fault. Human resources involves orderly placement and selection of staff , using regular job performance evaluations to make sure the standards are not slipping. Information resources are the accurate marketing and forecasting of the product, financial resources are the budgeting. Financial resources are at the centre of control as it enables and restricts the amount of control and planning executed by the company due to affordability. 3. 3 Characteristics of effective control system Integration ââ¬â control system is more effective when it is integrated with planning. The closer links between control and planning the better the eventual control system will be. Flexibility ââ¬â the system should be able to accommodate change . adjustments that are not regarded as deviations but rather revision of plans. Accuracy ââ¬â provides an accurate objective, errors and deviations should not be concealed in the data. Timeliness control data should be supplied regularly as needed and not be taken hastily. Simplicity ââ¬â a complex system is viewed as an obstacle because they can have a negative influence on the sound judgement of competent managers. Too much information can be demotivating and place great demand on time and attention of management which means that the control will become too expensive. Conclusion. The Importance of Goals are that they are unidirectional, meaning that the company moves towards a primary goal using a clearly formulated action. Planning ensures that the company has the resources to reach their goals and controlling the processes is the ever changing adapting process to keep the company on track to achieve the intended goal. REFERENCE : INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT; TOIT, ERASMUS, STRYDOM; OXFORD UNIVERSITY ; EIGHTH EDITION How to cite Planning and Control, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Electoral College Essays (2100 words) - Voting Systems
The Electoral College When the Constitutional Convention gathered in 1784 they had the difficult task of determining how our government should be assembled and what systems we should use to elect them. They quickly decided congress should have the powers to pass laws and the people should elect these people to ensure they are following the will of the people. But who should elect the president? Congress was the initial choice of most of the framers, but then they realized they first dilemma; by having congress elect the president, he would be loyal only to congress and not the people. The second and most logically thought was to have the people elect the president. However, this too was a problem in the eyes of most of the framers. They felt that people were prone to being rash and emotional and therefore could not be trusted to make a wise decision. So then congress settled on the final choice, which was to be a compromise between the smaller and larger states, which would ensure that the president would be fairly and wisely selected and that smaller states would have the same power as larger states. This system is called the Electoral College. In the Electoral College, each state is granted one vote for every representative and one for every senator, thus ensuring that each state would be equally represented when electing the president. However, the same question arises every four years, are the ideals that were used to create the Electoral College system over 200 years ago still applicable today or have that outlived their intended purposes? In order to answer that we must first explore the purposes for setting up the Electoral College and then determine how relevant it is to today. The first purpose for setting up the Electoral College was to ensure that congress did not have too much power. When the system of government was finally decided on, our founding fathers understood the importance of the balance of power within the three branches of the government. They called this system checks and balances. This system was set up to ensure that the government would remain loyal to the people and loyal to their states (Hamilton). In The Federalist Papers, No. 68, Alexander Hamilton discusses the importance of having the president elected by the Electoral College. He said that in order to ensure that we do not end up with the same problems that America had with the monarch of England, it was important that the balance of power was spread throughout the government and that no one portion have too much power. Another reason Alexander Hamilton gave for not having congress elect the president was that the founders wanted to reassure states that they had not given up all their power to a federal government. In order to ratify the constitution, the framers knew that it would have to be approved in each of the thirteen states. They also knew that these states would be skeptical of a powerful central government that would have the ability to take away all their rights. So, they would have to make sure that each of these states was comfortable with the amount of power given to each branch of the central government. This point is also clearly evident today. During the election this year, the Republican Party ran on a platform that included the premise of a smaller government. This platform was in line with an MSNBC poll that was taken in July 2000, which asked this question, Do you think it is important to limit the size of the federal government? Over 72 percent of the 4,143 people surveyed said they believed that it is important to limit the size of the government. So even in the age of government programs which help support the citizens of this nation, people still understand the importance of keeping our government small. The second purpose for the Electoral College was to give smaller states the same rights and powers as the larger states. There are two primary reasons why the smaller states have the same, if not more, power than the larger states when it comes to electing the president. The first is, a presidential candidate must
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Lets Have A Truce essays
Lets Have A Truce essays After reading Lets Have a Truce by Andrew Sullivan, I see his point of view and what hes trying to get across to the American people. I know that my opinion on this paper is going to be different than that of the other students taking this class, but here is what I obtained. It seems that most people get side tracked at what is going on in the world while campaigning is going on. Republicans and Democrats alike get so caught up in picking the right one that we are oblivious to what is going on in the world. Terrorists are still a threat while the candidate you want or the candidate you dont want is running. Another point that Mr. Sullivan made is about how divided this Country has really become over the years. It seems that if the person that you didnt want in office is now the President, you criticize and complain about the job hes doing. What you should do, rather, is try to put your good attitude in front of your bad for the better of the Country. Its not going to make a difference how many times you call the President an idiot, its not going to change anything. I myself am a Democrat, and I know that Ive done my fair share of bashing on George W. Bush, but in the long run I just hope that the Country benefits from the time hes spent as our leader. I will even go as far as saying that I respect his determination of trying to win the war on terrorism. But, I do not respect the fact that we have been in this war for so long and WHAT are we trying to accomplish here? As far as Im concerned our goal in Iraq is the wrong one. We want oil. Iraq isnt even the leading country with oil, so w hy are we there? What we need is a Republican candidate and a Democrat candidate working side by side to accomplish more than what has been done in the past. Differences aside, I believe it would be beneficial. The main point that Sullivan made i...
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Middle Kingdom Period of Ancient Egypt
The Middle Kingdom Period of Ancient Egypt Running from the end of the first intermediate period to the start of the second, the Middle Kingdom lasted from about 2055-1650 B.C. It was composed of part of the 11th Dynasty, the 12th Dynasty, and current scholars add the first half of the 13th Dynasty. Predynastic EgyptPharaohs of the Predynastic Period, Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom Middle Kingdom Capital When 1st Intermediate Period Theban king Nebhepetra Mentuhotep II (2055-2004) reunited Egypt, the capital was at Thebes. Twelfth Dynasty king Amenemhat moved the capital to a new town, Amenemhat-itj -tawy (Itjtawy), in the Faiyum region, possibly near the necropolis at Lisht. The capital remained at Itjtawy for the rest of the Middle Kingdom. Middle Kingdom Burials During the Middle Kingdom, there were three types of burials: surface graves, with or without coffinshaft graves, usually with coffintombs with coffin and sarcophagus. Mentuhotep IIs mortuary monument was at Deir-el-Bahri in western Thebes. It was not the saff-tomb type of previous Theban rulers nor the reversion to Old Kingdom types of 12th Dynasty rulers. It had terraces and verandahs with groves of trees. It may have had a square mastaba tomb. His wives tombs were in the complex. Amenemhat II built a pyramid on a platform the White Pyramid at Dahshur. Senusret IIIs was a 60-m high mud-brick pyramid at Dashur. Acts of the Middle Kingdom Pharaohs Mentuhotep II made military campaigns in Nubia, which Egypt had lost by the 1st Intermediate Period. So did Senusret I under whom Buhen became Egypts southern border. Mentuhotep III was the first Middle Kingdom ruler to send an expedition to Punt for incense. He also built fortifications at Egypts northeastern border. Senusret instituted the practice of building of monuments at every cult site and paid attention to the cult of Osiris. Khakheperra Senusret II (1877-1870) developed the Faiyum irrigation scheme with dykes and canals. Senusret III (c.1870-1831) campaigned in Nubia and built fortresses. He (and Mentuhotep II) campaigned in Palestine. He may have gotten rid of the nomarchs who had helped cause the breakdown leading to the 1st Intermediate Period. Amenemhat III (c.1831-1786) engaged in mining operations that made heavy use of Asiatics and may have led to the settling of Hyksos in the Nile Delta. At Fayum a dam was built to channel Nile overflow into a natural lake to be used as needed for irrigation. Feudal Hierarchy of the Middle Kingdom There were still nomarchs in the Middle Kingdom, but they were no longer independent and lost power over the period. Under the pharaoh was the vizier, his chief minister, although there may have been 2 at times. There were also chancellor, overseer, and governors of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Towns had mayors. The bureaucracy was supported by taxes assessed in kind on yields (e.g., farm produce). Middle and lower class people were forced into labor which they could avoid only by paying someone else to do it. The pharaoh also gained wealth from mining and trade, which appears to have extended to the Aegean. Osiris, Death, and Religion In the Middle Kingdom, Osiris became the god of the necropolises. Pharaohs had participated in mystery rites for Osiris, but now [rivate individuals also took part in these rites. During this period, all people were thought to have the spiritual force or ba. Like the rites of Osiris, this had formerly been the province of kings. Shabtis were introduced. Mummies were given cartonnage masks. Coffin texts adorned the coffins of ordinary people. Female Pharaoh There was a female pharaoh in the 12th Dynasty, Sobekneferu/Neferusobek, daughter of Amenemhat III, and possibly half-sister of Amenemhet IV. Sobekneferu (or possibly Nitocris of the 6th Dynasty) was the first ruling queen of Egypt. Her rule of Upper and Lower Egypt, lasting 3 years, 10 months and 24 days, according to the Turin Canon, was the last one in the 12th Dynasty. Sources The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. by Ian Shaw. OUP 2000.Detlef Franke Middle Kingdom The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Ed. Donald B. Redford, OUP 2001
Friday, February 14, 2020
Investment Decision Making Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Investment Decision Making - Article Example In Canada, the market for SRI is over $50 billion in institutional and mutual fund assets,(1) representing approximately 4% of total assets professionally managed and 50 funds. The SRI asset base is growing at 40% per year, compared to the non-SRI growth rate of less than 15% per year. Though growing rapidly, the Canadian SRI asset base is substantially below SRI activity in the United States, which represents over US$2.2 trillion in SRI assets (13% of total assets)/and the 300 funds in Europe utilizing SRI strategies. Numerous studies and surveys have dearly shown that investor interest in environmental social and governance issues has increased dramatically in the past five years. In addition, it has become clear that investor sophistication has evolved beyond the relatively simple process of excluding companies that are engaged in certain "nonethical" businesses. Furthermore, the investment performance of typical negative-screened SRI funds has been inconsistent over the past ten years, causing many investors to seek more rigorous and quantitative investment strategies, such as sustainable development investing, that provide both top performance and social responsibility. Corporate Sustainable DevelopmentThe term sustainable development was originally proposed by the United Nations in the 1987 publication Our Common Future. 3 From a corporate perspective, sustainable development refers to companies that are committed to minimizing the environmental footprint of their operations, while simultaneously contributing to the economic and social advancement of communities in which they operate. To act upon this commitment, companies engage hundreds of sustainable development initiatives. From an environmental perspective, these may include energy conservation measures, waste reduction programs and pollution prevention initiatives. From a social perspective companies may schedule community outreach meetings, create the position of "ethics officer," reduce noise and odor pollution, and provide support for school lunch and recreation programs: Economic commitment often includes local procurement and hiring mandates, providing scholarships, for higher education and transferable skills training, and community infrastructure improvement. Worldwide, companies representing all, industry sectors practice sustainable development. Examples of notable Canadian sustainable development Companies include Abitibi-Consolidated Inc., Dofasco Inc., Falconbridge Ltd., Noranda Inc., Nortel Networks Corporation, Royal Bank of Canada, Suncor Energy Inc., Telus Corporation, TransAlta Corporation and Westcoast Energy Inc. These companies embrace sustainable development for essentially one reason--to have a positive impact on share price. Good BusinessBut how specifically does sustainable development benefit a company' A summary of categories of key causal factors as to why sustainable development is "good business" follows.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Concepts of Communities of Practice, Practice Based Networks, Open Essay
The Concepts of Communities of Practice, Practice Based Networks, Open Innovation and Social Capital - Essay Example Today, the terms of organizational development have been differentiated. Innovation and learning have become key elements of organizational performance. In the past, innovation and learning were promoted using standardized policies, such as research and development, training programs and so on. Currently, the development of innovation and learning within organizations is mostly based on social networking. At the same time, concepts like communities of practice and social capital have been used for reflecting the key role of social networks in enabling organizations to learn and innovate. The above two concepts, the ââ¬Ëcommunities of practiceââ¬â¢ and the ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢ are compared in this paper. Their similarities and differences are presented and evaluated, using relevant literature. Moreover, the challenges that an organization is likely to face when participating in social networks are analytically discussed. It is revealed that social networking in critical for organizational success under the terms that it is aligned with the organizational ethics and culture. 2. ââ¬Å"Communities of practiceâ⬠versus ââ¬Å"social capitalâ⬠Communities of practice can be used along with other concepts, such as the ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢ concept, for highlighting the importance of social networking in promoting innovation and learning within organizations. However, the two concepts may be differentiated, as of their requirements or their priorities. This fact is made clearer by comparing the elements of ââ¬Ëcommunities of practiceââ¬â¢, as described above, with the elements of ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢. The first of the above concepts, the ââ¬Ëcommunities of practiceââ¬â¢ is based on the view that ââ¬Ëlearning starts with engagement in social practice and that this practice is the fundamental construct by which individuals learnââ¬â¢ (Wenger 1998, in Langer 2005, p.77). In the context of the above framework, th e achievement of organizationââ¬â¢s goals is based on the initiatives of teams that have ââ¬Ëa shared way of pursuing interestââ¬â¢ (Langer 2005, p.77). On the other hand, the term ââ¬Ësocial capitalââ¬â¢ is used for reflecting two different functions: the promotion of specific social structures and ââ¬Ëthe facilitation of certain actions of the actorsââ¬â¢ (Coleman, 1988, p.98). The term ââ¬Ëactorsââ¬â¢, as used above, implies both individuals and organizations (Coleman 1988). From another point of view, social capital can be characterized as ââ¬Ëan asset that emanates from participation in social relationsââ¬â¢ (Nielsen 2003, p.2). In other words, social capital can be a quite wide concept, reflecting all activities of individuals, as members of a particular organization. However, in the context of social capital individuals, as actors, are not necessarily members of a team, as in the case of the communities of practice, a fact that offers them a h igher flexibility in acting as they wish. Moreover, in accordance with Al-Ali (2003), employees tend ââ¬Ëto form informal communities or networks all the timeââ¬â¢ (Al-Ali 2003, p.91). These networks are used for the development of various organizational tasks, more or less important. This means that the control of organization over the rules and the form of communities of practice may be difficult, especially if they are used for supporting temporary organizational needs (Al-Ali 2003). Such problem does not appear in the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Martin Luther :: essays research papers
Martin Luther MARTIN LUTHER, the greatest of the Protestant reformers of the 16th century, was born at Eisleben, on the 10th of November 1483. His father was a miner in humble circumstances; his mother, as Melanchthon records, was a woman of exemplary virtue, and esteemed in her walk of life. Shortly after Martin's birth, his parents removed to Mansfield, where their circumstances ere long improved by industry and perseverance. Their son was sent to school; and both at home and at school his training was of a severe and hardening character. When he reached his eighteenth year, he entered the university at Erfurt, with a view of qualifying himself for the legal profession. He went through the usual studies in the classics and the schoolmen, and took his degree as Doctor of Philosophy, or Master of Arts, in 1505, when he was twenty-one years of age. Previous to this, however, a profound change of feeling had begun in him. Chancing one day to examine the vulgate version of the Bible in the University Library, he saw with astonishment that there were more gospels and epistles than in the lectionaries. He was arrested by the contents of his newly found treasure. His heart was deeply touched, and he resolved to devote himself to a spiritual life. He separated himself trom his friends and fellow-students, and withdrew into the Augustine convent at Erfurt. Here he spent the next three years of his life - years of peculiar interest and significance, for it was during this period that he laid in the study of the Bible and of Augustine, the foundation of those doctrinal convictions which were afterwards to rouse and strengthen him in his struggles against the papacy. He describes very vividly the crisis through which he passed, the burden of sin which so long lay upon him, "too heavy to be borne;" and the relief that he at length found in the clear understanding of the "forgiveness of sins" through the grace of Christ. In the year 1507, Luther was ordained a priest, and in the following year he moved to Wittenberg, destined to derive its chief celebrity from his name. He became a teacher in the new university, founded there by the Elector Frederick of Saxony. In 1510 or 1511, he was sent on a mission to Rome, and he has described yery vividly what he saw and heard there. On his return from Rome, he was made a Doctor of the Holy Scriptures, and his career as a reformer may be said to have commenced.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Job Descriptions Essay
As the second assignment of the Session Long Project submit a sample job description for the position you hold with your current employer. Were there any areas in this job description that you felt were missing that were pertinent to your job? If you were working in the human resource department how would you know if the candidate applying for the position could do the job? If not currently employed, use your last position. Be sure to incorporate module concepts into your assignment. Limit your response to 4-5 pages and remember to cite any references that you used. Job descriptions are a very important aspect of the employment process. It is a tool used to describe to the employee what is expected out of them during their time at the company. I will discuss what an effective job description should contain and what it should not contain. Also, the importance of receiving positive feedback from past employers. I will describe my current position and what was explained to me. If used c orrectly, the job description has the potential to tell the applying possible employer everything, with little questions to be asked. My current employer is within the United States Air Force, I am a Aerospace Medical Technician, when I first enlisted I came in open general, which means you do not get to pick your job, they choose it for you. I was not given much detail about this job, besides it was in the medical field. I knew I wanted to be in the medical field within the Air Force due to my past job as a pharmacy technician. While I was applying for this job, I went through the interview process and felt like it was very generic and did not tell me much of what I was applying for. Since it was a small town, family owned pharmacy, the employment process was not very thorough. It was not the basic behind the counter pharmacy technician duty, it was based around assisted living homes and home medical equipment, not much retail. During my time there, I was able to learn many things about each drug, side effects, compounding drugs, home medical equipment and how assisted living homes operated. I was unaware of most opportunities that were given to me while applying. The basic knowledge I was given during the interview process and what was going to be expected out of me was to have a basic understanding of the medications I would be delivering to assisted living homes and to be able to learn the brand name and generic brand name for the drugs to be filled. When I was hired as an employee there, most of the knowledge gained was best learned by getting involved and following someone who would teach you and help speed up your progress. I was able to shadow a few other technicians and occasionally the pharmacists. What I felt was missing from this description was they did not go in much detail about room for growth, although I was not complaining about the handful of promotions I was given, it was very vague on what I would be to do next. Jumping from a full time pharmacy technician where I was able to fill the prescriptions than to traveling to private homes and assisted living homes to set up home medical equipment could be very frustrating if you were not prepared for this step. Job descriptions should be feasible, understandable and accurate for the companies essential needs. They should include information to attract the right candidate, describe the main areas of the position, job training and career advancement. Specifically, the description should include the job title, summary of the title, scope of practice, list of duties and salary range. Effectively developed, employee job descriptions are communication tools that are significant in your organizationââ¬â¢s success. Poorly written employee job descriptions, on the other hand, add to workplace confusion, hurt communication, and make people feel as if they donââ¬â¢t know what is expected from them. (Susan M. Heathfield, 2012). If employers were to spend a little bit more time making a more efficient and accurate job description, it would make the Human Resource Departments job a lot easier when it comes to the hiring process. This alone, I believe would limit issues brought to the department. During the hiring process, the human resource department has an abundance of information to scroll through when making the final decision to hire the right candidate for the job. This is a very tough process to go through when trying to pick the right person, you have countless things to compare to. If I were to be within the human resource department and was involved in the hiring process, the first thing I would look at, would be the level of education needed for the applying position. Does the applying candidate have the right level of education needed? Secondly, if the candidate has any job experience within the applied field. Experience is one of the more important factors, especially within the medical field. I would prefer if my chosen candidate has a steady medical background. Use employee job descriptions to obtain employee ownership and support for the position and to trace the parameters of the skills and abilities you seek for the position. In hiring, well-written employee job descriptions can help you make good hiring decisions. And hiring the right team is critical for your future success. (Susan M. Heathfield, 2012) If at all possible, the best way to choose the right candidate would be an internship. It allows the possible employees to work alongside other employees and learn about the job, as well as the corporation. It also allows the employee themselves to make sure the opportunity is right for them. It gives them the opportunity to learn all the ins and outs of the job. This will also allow every candidate to be able to stand out, not only will the employers be looking at a piece of paper, or what college they went to, it puts a face to the name. I believe that if you have a passion for something and you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job, this will make you stand above the rest and get chosen. Even if you are not chosen for the job, you still have more experience under your belt and gives you the chance to network out and possibly meet the right person for your next work opportunity. In summary, I have much to learn about the human resource department and the hiring process. I am taking everything I have been able to experience and apply it to my current position. To get the job you want, the best thing to have is the right education for it and to know that if you currently do not have experience in that job, do not give up, there are always alternate routes to make sure you get the knowledge needed. If you aim your sights on something you desire, your passion for it will take you there. Hopefully, this knowledge will benefit me and make me stand out. Reference Page Susan M. Heathfield, 2012. Why Effective Employee Job Descriptions Make Business Sense. 5 Tips About Employee Job Descriptions. http://
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Philosophy 260 Final Essay Exam - 598 Words
Religion and god(s) have been a huge part of all philosophy for as long as humanity has had a functioning society. Many philosophers have had attempted to obtain a better understanding of the religion they practice through reflection , observation or some other method. This essay will compare and contrast the philosophical views of Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, an ancient Roman philosopher, and Meister Eckhart, a medieval European philosopher. Their views are likely to have many contrasts as they both come for different time periods, backgrounds, and educations. It will likely be, in all probability, more interesting to see were there views of the simplicity and eternity of the divine match than where they differ so we will first examine Boethius views. Anicius Boethius lived somewhere between the 4th and 5th centuries as a roman aristocrat. To be clear Boethius was Christian not a follower of the ancient Greek gods now to his views of divinity. Boethius views are best illustra ted in a scenario that he created in Consolation of Philosophy which is; god knows everything about the past and the future as a omniscient being. This would mean that god knows not only everything that you have done but will do as well. This begs the question that if god knows everything that you are going to do or think and all of it is predetermined then even our own thoughts are not free because that is what god led you to think as god already determined what you are going to do. With thisShow MoreRelatedFate and Destiny7886 Words à |à 32 Pagesbeing described as being the result of fate, destiny or sometimes a result of both. But fate and destiny are not just concepts with an entertainment value, these ideas point to serious issues of great interest in a number of important areas such as: philosophy, theology, physics, psychology, and, of course, biology. 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